Top 6 Reasons to Become a Financial Advisor

financial advisor explaining the details of an insurance plan

Finding a career that may financially sustain your lifestyle and allow you to secure the futures of other people might seem challenging. You might think that there aren’t enough career paths that would help you fulfill your and others’ dreams at the same time. But haven’t you considered working as a financial advisor yet?

Financial advisors are like family doctors. However, instead of working on a person’s physical health, financial advisors do whatever they can to improve a client’s financial situation and, ultimately, give them peace of mind.

Financial advisors provide other individuals with consulting and advice regarding their finances. They work with their clients in reaching their goals by creating plans that may allow the individual to create more wealth, reduce expenses, or eliminate debts.

There are several reasons why you should be a financial advisor. Aside from having a job and sufficient income, you can enjoy the following advantages of being a financial advisor:

One of the greatest perks of being a financial advisor is the unlimited income potential you can enjoy. When you work as a financial advisor, you won’t have to worry too much about how to pay your bills and sustain your lifestyle as long as you have the appetite to get more clients and carry on more work.

This is possible because financial advisors earn money based on the amount of new business or recurring revenue they bring. They can be fee-based, commission-based, or a mix of both, depending on the company requirements and agreement. Therefore, financial advisors can earn as much as they can as long as they have the passion, energy, and ability to acquire more clients.

According to an estimate done by Indeed based on the 704 salaries reported on their platform, financial advisors in the Philippines earn an average of Php 36,000 per month as of July 1, 2022. With the right amount of perseverance, you can earn more and enjoy a comfortable life.

Because of the amount of money you can earn as a financial advisor, you might think that you must spend a majority of your time working. However, the opposite is true.

Financial advisors actually have flexible schedules that allow them to strike the right balance between work and their personal lives. Once they have established their client base, they can schedule their working hours around their personal calendars. All they need to do is schedule client meetings based on their free time and enjoy having a great work-life balance.

Highly experienced financial advisors even have the opportunity to work less than 40 hours a week. This allows them to have enough time during the week to enjoy their life while earning money.

One of the reasons to become a financial advisor is the freedom to work with your preferred group of people. As a financial advisor, you have the power to unleash your creativity in building a client base.

For example, some financial advisors strictly work with individuals from the Baby Boomer generation. Meanwhile, others prefer catering to the younger generations, particularly Millennials.

Aside from picking your clients based on their age or generation, you can focus on clients in a particular profession. You can choose to work exclusively with doctors, lawyers, or entrepreneurs, to name a few options.

There are several career options available that will allow you to earn as much as a financial advisor. Some professions can even provide you with even more income than what you can earn as a financial advisor. However, most of these careers cannot give you the personal satisfaction that comes with helping people using your meaningful advice.

When you work as a financial advisor, you can relish the rewarding feeling of offering invaluable financial advice to your clients. Seeing your clients making suitable decisions and succeeding financially because of the education and advice you’ve provided will bring you an incomparable sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. 

Being a financial advisor requires you to work with various people every time. Therefore, one of the perks of being a financial advisor you can enjoy is growing your personal and professional network.

You can achieve this by meeting new clients and listening to their financial goals. Then, you can start building meaningful relationships with them by offering your expert advice and helping them achieve their financial objectives.

Your training in becoming a financial advisor allows you to learn about the different financial strategies you can apply to your personal life. Through the knowledge you’ve obtained from being a financial advisor, you can provide your clients with the financial guidance they need while also securing your own future.

Becoming a financial advisor is a rewarding decision that you can make today. If you want to enjoy all the benefits of becoming a financial advisor, start your training with Allianz PNB Life. Our financial advisors are aptly called Life Changers because they help us empower Filipinos to choose a better future for themselves.

We offer two career paths to passionate individuals who want to become a part of our team as financial advisors. Our Agency Life Changers educate our clients on the most suitable insurance plan that fits their specific needs and preferences. Meanwhile, our Bancassurance Life Changers work together with the Philippine National Bank and serve as our brand’s advocates in several bank branches. Together, our Life Changers work hard to improve insurance penetration in the country, one client at a time.

When you decide to join us, you can count on us to provide you with the opportunity to change people’s lives for the better. Sign up to be an Allianz Life Changer and learn how to be a financial advisor that brightens people’s future.